What Is Proofreading?

Proofreading identifies many of the same grammar, spelling, and punctuation issues as copyediting, but it’s a different process for the editor. During a copyedit, the editor will usually encounter a lot of errors. The higher the amount of errors in a manuscript, the more likely the editor will miss some. All editors strive for error-free work, but we are humans. According to experts, the standard for professional editors is a 95% error-detection rate. This is where the proofreader comes in. Not only are the proofreader’s eyes fresh to the material, they’re also working with cleaner copy. They have fewer errors distracting them from the pesky lingerers that remain after the copyedit.

This is also why it’s important to have a different person proofread for you after an edit. If you’ve booked me for a copyedit and a proofread, the proofread will be done by one of my trusted colleagues whose work I know to be excellent. If your manuscript was copyedited by someone else, I’ll usually do your proofread myself if my schedule allows (you will always be informed of who will proofread before you agree to anything). I also offer a two-pass proofread, where your manuscript will be proofread by both me and another proofreader.

I’m trained to proofread in three ways: on-screen in Microsoft Word (using Track Changes), on-screen in PDF (using proofreader marks, Adobe PDF comments, or generating a separate list of errors), and on paper using proofreader symbols (BSI or US).


Paragraph Level

  • Repetition
  • Speaker/action consistency

Sentence Level

  • Punctuation
  • Grammar
  • Misplaced modifiers

Word Level

  • Spelling
  • Hyphenation
  • Word Usage

Styling Consistency

  • Italicization
  • Ellipses
  • Quotation marks


  • Remove tabs
  • Remove extra spaces
  • Remove extra line breaks

Proof Options

  • Microsoft Word – Track Changes
  • PDF – Proof marks or list of errors
  • Paper – Proof marks (BSI or US)

Proofreading Does Not Include:

Custom Style Sheet

  • Creating a style sheet is not part of the proofreading service.

Story Level

  • Fact-checking
  • Overall story-related issues

Paragraph Level

  • Pacing
  • Writing style

Proofreading Process

Free Sample

For new clients only: In order to see if we’re a good match, I offer a free sample proofread of your work, between 500 and 1000 words (less for short stories and novellas).


If you like my sample proofread and decide you’d like to work with me, we’ll discuss scheduling to find a time slot that works for us both.

Quote & Contract

Once we’ve secured a time slot, I’ll send you a quote with a plain-English contract that outlines terms that protect both your interests and mine.

First Invoice

After you accept the quote and contract terms, I’ll send an invoice for a deposit of 50% of the total cost of the project. Payment of this deposit indicates your acceptance of the contract terms and is due before the proofread begins.

Send Manuscript 1.0

Once you send your deposit, it’s time to send me your manuscript. I can accept manuscripts through a variety of methods, including email, Box.com, or Dropbox.com. See my About Me page for more on confidentiality and my editing standards.

First Pass

The first pass can take anywhere from one to two weeks from the start date that we’ve agreed upon, depending on the length of the manuscript. In Word, I proofread with Track Changes enabled, so you’ll be able to clearly see the changes I’ve made.

Delivery of Files

When I’ve completed the first pass, I will send you:

  1. Track Changes version,
  2. Clean version (all changes accepted and only comments remaining); or
  3. (If applicable) Your error list.

Final Invoice

The bulk of the work is done during the first pass, so along with your files, I’ll send you a final invoice for the remaining 50% of the total price. This invoice is due upon receipt of the first-pass files.

Accept/Reject Changes

Now it’s time for you to read through the manuscript and either accept or reject changes. Click here for a short video tutorial on Track Changes. (Steps 9 – 12 will vary if you opt for the PDF proof option only.)

Address Any Queries

There won’t be many queries during a proofread, but if there are any, you will find them in comment boxes.

Send Manuscript 2.0

Once you’ve gone over all the changes and comments, send the manuscript back to me for a final cleanup pass.

Cleanup Pass

The cleanup pass is a final check to make sure the changes were implemented as intended and no new errors were introduced.

Final Files and Receipt

After the cleanup pass, I’ll send your final files (tracked and clean, if proofed in Word).

Have you booked a Two-Pass Proofread?

If you’ve booked a two-pass proofread as part of a package, your manuscript will now go to the second proofreader for another pass.

Have you booked interior print or ebook design?

For self-publishing authors, I also offer interior print design and ebook formatting.


Single-pass Proofread

$0.01 – $0.015

per word

Costs for proofreading vary, depending on the level of work the manuscript requires. My proofreading rates are lower than the rates listed on the Editorial Freelancers Association’s rate chart. My final quote will be based on a sample of your manuscript. Use the calculator on the right to get an idea of the price range I will quote you for.

Get Your Estimate

Ready to book your project?

Whether you're ready to book now or just want to discuss your project and get a free sample edit of your work, click the button below to get started!