
Please scroll down for my availability calendar.
For booking information and inquiries, please fill out the form below. “But I hate forms!” you say. I get blessedly few junk emails by not adding an email address to my website, and I really like that. If you prefer to email me, my email address is simple: lisa @ (just remove those spaces). If you choose to email me instead of using the form, please try to include the information the form asks for. It really helps me respond to your email with the answers you’re looking for.

I look forward to hearing from you!

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Please be aware that this editorial calendar is only a guide to estimate my availability, but I am usually booked a few months out. I usually have three or four overlapping projects at a time, so if a time frame looks booked, it might not be booked solid.

I generally book two weeks for proofreads, three to four weeks for copyedits (longer for 150K+ word counts), and one to two weeks for interior book design. If you’re interested in a time frame that looks open or lightly booked, please contact me to discuss your project.

(Schedule is best viewed on a full computer screen to see all bookings. On tablets, switch to landscape mode. A phone screen may be too small to see how many bookings there are for each day.)

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4 events,

5 events,

4 events,

4 events,